September's class project will be colorful lollipops in colored pencils. No drawing experience is needed, and a line drawing will be provided. $25.00 BYO materials; $30.00 to use class materials. Click "Read More" button below for supply list. Click "Buy Now" button below for ticket through Event Brite OR call to pay over the phone (813) 324-9777 OR pay on the day of class in the shop. PLEASE EMAIL ME IN ADVANCE IF YOU PAY ON THE DAY OF CLASS TO RESERVE YOUR SPOT AT MICHELEYOUNGART@GMAIL.COM
Recommended Supply List for Colored Pencil Project:
Prismacolor Premier 12 Color Basic Set
Additional colors from larger colored pencil sets are optional. Student grade/budget friendly colored pencils such as Crayola, Arteza, etc. will work but will not produce the same result.
Additional Supplies Recommended:
Line drawing will be provided, so you do not have to bring paper
Additional Information