December's class project will be a Christmas-themed project with colored pencils and soft pastels We will trace the line drawing, so no drawing skills are necessary. The class is $25.00 if you bring your own supplies (Click Read More button below for supply list) and $30.00 if you use supplies at Creative Junk Therapy. You can pay through EventBrite (Click Buy Now button below for ticket) but there is a fee. To avoid the fee, you can call to reserve your spot at (813) 324-9777 and pay on the day of class, or pay in person when the shop is open. Hours are Wed - Fri 12 pm - 7 pm; Sat and Sun 10 am - 7 pm. Closed Mon & Tues
Recommended Supply List:
Colored Pencils: Prismacolor Premier basic colors (not curated set like botanicals, pastels, neon, etc.) are recommended. Student grade/budget friendly colored pencils such as Crayola, Arteza, etc. will work but will not produce the same results.
Soft Pastels: Any brand will work
Paper: Canson or Strathmore Mixed Media paper are recommended, but any other mixed media paper from Walmart, Michaels or Amazon will work.
Other: Baby Wipes to clean hands